Energy Change Lab Report

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Introduction: In this experiment I will be investigating a factor that affects the energy change during a reaction. The reaction will be looking at is zinc metal and how it reacts with dilute sulfate solution. During the reaction, energy is given out. The energy change causes an increase in temperature. The amount of energy given out can be calculated from the temperature using this formula. Energy given out in joules (j) = 4.18 * mass of water in (g) * temperature change in oC The mass of the copper sulfate dissolved in the solution is small enough to be ignored, so the volume of solution (in cm3) used in the experiment is usually taken to be the same as the mass of water in (g). This works because 1cm3 of water has a mass 1g. The factors…show more content…
This would affect the temperature change because there would be different quantities of one factor. Mass of zinc: I can change the mass of zinc and this could affect the energy change because the reaction would have more zinc and this will cause a greater reaction as there are more atoms to react with. This would make the temperature difference greater. Surface area of zinc: Zinc metal could have different surface areas and the greater the surface area it is more likely that the reaction would be greater. The mass of zinc is when there is zinc in weight but surface area is the zinc metals itself and how much surface area it consists of. The factor I will be investigating is mass of zinc because the difficulty of the experiment would be easy and so this allows me to get the best possible results I can…show more content…
Prepare all equipment 2. Place the measuring boat on the weighing scale and set the weight to zero. 3. Then measure 0.2g of zinc. 4. Measure the temperature of the 50ml in a copper sulfate solution 5. Place the zinc in 50ml copper sulfate solution. 6. Stir and wait for two minutes. 7. Measure the temperature change. 8. Record results. 9. Repeat the experiment and go up in 0.2 each time until you reach 1g Preliminary evaluation: I found out that the technique we used was correct and it allowed us to get accurate results. However the range we did was not good as it was too small. So in out experiment we will change the range from 1g to 3g going up in 0.5g. Equipment list: • Zinc metal: In solid form so it can react with the liquid. • Copper sulfate solution: We need it in liquid form for it to react. • Beaker: This is where zinc and copper sulfate will react. • Laboratory steel spatula: This is how you will take out the zinc. This is more efficient then a spoon because noting will get stuck on the spatula and it is easier to pick up and drop the zinc. • Weighing scale: This is so we will be able to weigh the mass of zinc. • Weighing boat: This is a smaller plate used to put the zinc when weighing it.
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