Employability In Higher Education

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Meeting the needs of the work arena is one of the main agenda of higher education institutions (HEI). In fact, HEI’s set employability and productivity of their graduates at the top of their priorities. Many of the HEI’s focus their function in producing skilled and professional graduates that will satisfy the requirements of the commercial layout. Thus, graduate employability and productivity become touchstones of competitiveness in the integrated environment of education and employment. This permits the role of higher education institutions take a greater significance. Employability is defined as a set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes – that enable graduates more likely gain employment and be successful in…show more content…
However, according to the result of ESECT (Enhancing Student Employability Co-ordination Team) research on the attributes that employers expect on graduates shows that they have undergone a broad consensus: graduates should exhibit creativity or imagination, flexibility and adaptability, autonomy or independent working, willingness to learn, ability to manage others, ability to work under pressure, working in a team, good oral communication, communication in writing for varied purposes, numeracy, attention to…show more content…
Regrettably, a portion of these graduates add up to the country’s unemployment rate (Commission on Higher Education Official Website). From the statistical data of the Philippine Department of Labor and Development (DOLE), the employment rate in January 2007 was estimated at 92.2%, which placed the unemployment rate at 7.8%. This means that nine in every 10 persons in the labor force were employed. By comparison, the employment rate in January 2006 was 91.9%. In 2008, the unemployment rate was 7.4% and 7.7% in 2009 (Philippine National Statistics Office Official Website). Ines (2012) identified that one of the major reasons of unemployment is the skill-job mismatch that roots from the academic training of each student. With this reality, CHED is mandated by the Republic Act 7722 otherwise known as the “Higher Education act of 1994”. It moves the commission to“monitor the performance of programs and institutions of higher learning”. In this view, CHED compels all higher education institutions to perform an appraisal of their internal efficiency and external productivity. Furthermore, CHED accentuates that all institutions of higher education both public and private, are bound to attain an excellent quality of education and training in order to augment the number of employable graduates (Commission on Higher Education Official

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