Emmett Till, the son of Louis Till and Mamie Till-Mobley, was born on July 25, 1941. Emmett was born breached, the umbilical cord was constricted around his right knee, his neck, and left wrist. He could have choked to death! There were many complications the first couple weeks after he was born. Doctors told Mamie, Emmett’s mother, that he would probably be disabled for life. She did not accept that. Turns out the doctors were wrong. Emmett continued to grow, healthy and happy. Emmett and
struggle through a portrait of the artist as rabble- rouser”. He responded to the narrator’s questions of the struggle for equality and justice, Ellison stated that he is not concerned with injustice, but with art. Ellison published short stories and nonfiction stories, but he was mostly known for invisible man, he won the national book award and Russwurm award. He became the twentieth century most important African American authors. Ralph Waldo Ellison was born in March 1 1914, in Oklahoma City
get away with ruthless actions because of this over thousands of people are brutally injured or killed by police. “African American men and boys are incarcerated or killed by weapons of racism in countless numbers. Most of us have learned about Emmett Till brutally murdered for the possibility that he had whistled at a white woman in Mississippi in 1955.”(Vermilya, 1).Racism