Emily Dickinson's I Heard A Fly Buzz

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narrator’s attention. I Heard a Fly Buzz is a unique mixture of metaphor, dashes and an imperfect rhyme scheme that interrupts the traditional form of iambic meter. Just like the disruptive style of the poem, Dickinson uses the analogy of a fly buzzing around the room as a distraction for the reader as the speaker describes the unpredictability of human emotion before death. Throughout the poem, Dickinson uses dashes to represent numerous meanings. The first representation being that of disorganized thought. This is evident as the dashes are strategically placed for the representation of the speaker’s scattered thought. “I heard a fly buzz – when I died – ” (Dickinson 1). This line exemplifies the idea of sporadic thought as the speaker…show more content…
The speaker appears to lack emotion when describing the surroundings and their thoughts while dying. It is though the narrator has come to terms with being dead as there are no typical emotions that would be associated with a dead person being expressed such as fear, anger, or frustration. It seems as though the speaker is a ghost and is looking back on this from a great distance, which is suggested by the lack of emotion. When Dickinson writes: “The eyes around – had wrung them dry –” (5) she proposes that there might be slight emotion when it is first read. However, through careful thought the line does not tell us if the speaker was feeling badly then or is saddened now, but rather simply explains the scenario. When the fly appears in the scene we would expect it to be a big emotion filled moment. The speaker does not express this, however, and instead just describes the fly and what it looks like and what it is doing. Rather than being disgusting or annoyed by the fly, the narrator is completely distracted by it’s presence. The narrator does not mention any loved ones in the room, merely discusses the plain details of giving away whatever worldly goods were left, then focuses on a buzzing fly. This lack of emotion again almost makes us believe the speaker has come to terms with their
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