Elk Vs. Wilkins Case Study

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Bradwell vs. Illinois, Elk vs. Wilkins and the Black codes all developed after the Civil War. Even though the northern states were victorious, the Black Codes were still passed and demonstrate the ways African Americans were treated unfairly in comparison to male Anglo-Americans. Likewise, in the case of Bradwell vs Illinois, the manipulation of the fourteenth amendment abnegated Myra Bradwell’s right to practice law. The Elk vs. Wilkins case similarly showed John Elk, an Indian, trying to conform to society but was still denied the right to vote (Elk vs Wilkens, 541). The Black Codes were made to restrain African Americans rights and were “no rights which a white man was bound to respect” (Du Bois, 529). Signifying that even though African Americans were sanctioned freedom, the white man was the solitary power of this time and the white men were the sole individuals who could control rights. Equally, in the Bradwell vs. Illinois case, male Anglo American, Justice Bradley writes “the female sex evidently unfits it for many of the occupations of civil life,” inferring white men as the authority (Bradwell vs. Illinois, 537). Finally, John Elk was denied the right to vote because the male Anglo-Americans said Indians were not citizens (Elk vs. Wilkens, 541).…show more content…
Illinois case stated that Myra Bradwell wanted to practice law and the Privileges and Immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment would allow her to do this, but the Supreme Court said no because she was a woman and renounced her claim. Alike, John Elk was an Indian and had no proof he was taxed or naturalized, therefore the Supreme Court stated he was not a citizen and could not receive the right to vote (Elk vs Wilkens, 541). Furthermore, African Americans were counted as citizens after the Civil War and given the rights to hold property, to sue, and to be sued, but the restrictions of the Black Codes prevented absolute citizenship (Du Bois,

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