Electoral College Advantages

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The advantages and disadvantages of the Electoral College. The Electoral College was created by our founding fathers. Advantages and Disadvantages of Electoral College. (2014, July 29). “The founding fathers of the Electoral College had established it within the Constitution as the compromise between the President’s election by the vote within Congress as well as the election of the President based on the common vote of eligible citizens.” Retrieved from http://occupytheory.org/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-electoral-college/. With a compromise for everyone concerning with the Electoral College, there should be a more fair election process when electing a candidate for the Presidency. Every state will get one elector per member it has in…show more content…
Four Presidents have been elected so far even when losing the popular vote one being as the biggest upset was. History.com Staff. (2010). Presidential Election Facts. “In 2000 Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election to George Bush. In the most highly contested election in modern history, the U.S. Supreme Court stopped the Florida recount of ballots, giving Bush the state’s 25 electoral votes for a total of 271 to Gore’s 255.” Retrieved from http://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/presidential-election-facts. There is also a matter that the system may be considered overly complicated (which I myself still struggle a bit on), which could lead to people thinking their individual votes don’t matter, which could lead to a reason for a low voter…show more content…
Kimberling, W. (n.d.). The Electoral College - Pros and Cons. “This is true simply because it is extremely difficult for a new or minor party to win enough popular votes in enough States to have a chance of winning the presidency.” Retrieved from http://uselectionatlas.org/INFORMATION/INFORMATION/electcollege_procon.php. This will help keep out unwanted and unfavorable new parties to try and enter into the fray. With the third parties not wanting to enter into the mix as a whole, they may compromise on some of their beliefs and cooperate with one of the two main parties. It can also help with providing the runner with a main set of focuses instead of trying to appease the masses of individuals, Advantages and Disadvantages of The Electoral College. (2015, May 18). “The electoral voting system gives the candidates that are running for office a way to organize their campaigns. They know the sway that each state has, and how much time to spend campaigning there.” Retrieved from
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