Ekg Lab Report

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Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) Lab Report Katherine Schmucker WCCC/Semester 2 A&P 2/Bio-072 Dr. Matthew Sisak February 20, 2015 Introduction: “An electrocardiogram is a record of the electrical currents produced by a cardiac muscle during depolarization and repolarization (College, p. 33).” “Waves are a deflection of the recording (College, p. 34).” Segments are the lines that show up on the electrocardiogram which are between the waves (College, p. 34). Intervals are the parts of the electrocardiogram recording in which consist of both a wave and a segment (College, p. 34). During the P wave, atrial depolarization occurs (College, p. 35). During the QRS Complex, ventricular depolarization occurs (College, p. 35). During the…show more content…
The parts of the electrocardiogram were suspected to not change proportionally because it was expected that the R-R waves will be quicker. This was not fully true as what the results show. Though the results show that the parts of the electrocardiogram were not changing proportionally, the expectation of the R-R waves being the quickest was falsely expected. The quickest wave was the QRS Complex, which was .07 seconds before exercise and .075 seconds after exercise, which resulted in a percent change of 7.1 percent. Also, though all of the times decreased, due to exercise that does not show that they all were proportionally changing. The R-R waves were anticipated to change more than others after exercise occurs because it would be quicker since the heart rate would be going up, due to the fact that the heart would be contracting. Though the heart rate increased due to the time change of the R-R waves, the R-R waves were not the quickest. Since all of the parts of the electrocardiogram ended up changing this expectation is not valid. The new expectation should be that all of the parts of the electrocardiogram will change because the heart rate would be increasing, due to the fact that the heart will be contracting faster after exercise. One expectation that supported what was expected was that the heart rate would increase after exercise because of the adrenaline and epinephrine in the body. Another expectation that was supported was that in one cardiac cycle after exercise the heart rate would be closer together and contract faster because the heart rate would have increase. The reason why would be because from the R-R waves before exercise occurred the time between one cardiac cycle or one heart beat was .955 seconds, while after exercise the time between the R-R waves were .5 seconds. The heart rate went from 62.827 beats per minute to 120 beats per minute. These results show that

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