Egyptian Mythology: The Story Of Nut And Her Children

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Story of Nut and Her Children. Mythology became well-known stories that every culture has some type of myths that is told throughout the times. Some might have some similarities and others might be completely different but have some of the same meanings of others. Religious is one of the similarities that could link all type of cultures mythology. Every cultures religion has some basis into the myths. In these Egyptian Mythology it can explain how the world was created and why it changes from day to night. The reason this was is during that time they did not have the knowledge that we have today to determine the actual events. Ancient Egyptian Mythology the gods and goddess looked very similar to mankind and acted similar also. Some of the…show more content…
It starts off with before Re also known as Khepera, the creator god of the sun, left the earth his great wisdom told him if the goddess Nut bore children, one of them would end his reign among men. Once he heard this he placed a curse on Nut, saying that she would not be able to bear any child upon any day in the year. Nut, goddess of the sky was full of sorrow, so she went to Thoth for help. Thoth is the god of wisdom and magic and learning. He was also the son of Re, Thoth knew of the curse and knew it could never be recalled, but his wisdom did find an escape. He went to Khonsu, who is known as the Mood-god, challenging him to a contest known as draughts, which is also known as checkers. Khonsu lost every game against Thoth and after every game the stakes got bigger. It got so big that Khonsu waged some of his light and lost, finally he would not play no more. Thoth gathered his light that he won and created five more days. These days were set between the end of the old year and at the beginning of the New Year. Before he did this there were only 360 days, this made it 365 days per year. The last five days were not considered any part of any year, and was held as days of festival in old…show more content…
Seth would not try to over throw the thrown why Isis was watching over the land because she was very suspect of Seth. But once Osiris did return Seth had a plan of how to get rid of him for good. Seth went to Aso an evil queen of Ethiopa for help. Seth obtained the measurements of Osiris and had a beautiful chest carved in that measurement. He had it fashioned with the rarest and most costly woods; cedar from Lebanon, ebony from Punt. Then they threw a great feast to honor Osiris, he invited all of the seventy two conspirators to this. He had the best of the best for the foods, the wine he made sure they were stronger, and had the most beautiful dancing girls. When Osiris was happy by all the feasting and drinking. The chest was brought out for everyone to see. Osiris marveled over all the exquisite woods and other markings on the chest. This is where Seth had his twisted plan set up. Seth says, “I will give this chest to whoever fits it most exactly!” Now the seventy two conspirators play a part of this, they had a few that would try it they were either too short, tall, or fat for it. Then Osiris wanted to try it, he said “I fit exactly, and the chest is mine!” Seth mentions and agrees with him that it did and it was his. At this time Seth banged down the lid trapping Osiris and pouring lead in every

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