Effective Use Of Poetic Devices In James Mercer's Saint Simon

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“Saint Simon” written by James Mercer discusses the uselessness of trying to find meaning in a literal world. Ironically, the song uses poetic devices such as metaphors and synonyms to convey its message. Applying irregular rhyme schemes and internal rhymes, “Saint Simon” features a slightly offbeat, somber rhythm, echoing the psychedelic rock movement of the 1960s. One can assume that the song title comes from the French social theorist and father of modern socialism, Henri de Saint-Simon, who believed that through technology, science, and industrialism, society’s problems would be solved. The speaker criticizes these ideas, dissatisfied by the fact that “there is still so much that hides” of knowledge despite “all these implements and text designed by intellects”. Even in religion, the opposite of Saint-Simon’s beliefs, he it is hard to find comfort even “though the saints dub [him] divine”. Mercer highlights words like “intellects”, “vexed”, and “sentiment” using assonance that sounds like the speaker is almost warning the listener. The speaker calls this false…show more content…
Though they were once important to him and “helped [him] out in making sense of [his] life”, he now does not have “the time nor mind to figure [them] out” as a cynical adult. He describes his apathy towards the nursery rhymes as a “cruel uneventful state” which suggests that his release from the innocence and ignorance of childhood was unwanted or even sudden. The pity we feel for him is personified in “Mercy” who is depicted as a woman with blue eyes. The speaker describes Mercy as a “solemn warmth” which “nothing holds a roman candle to”. The use of “roman candle”, which is bright and explosive, contrasts with a “solemn warmth” that is felt to be somber and dim. His relationship with Mercy is compared to“love” and “there's no measuring of it”. Mercy has been the only thing he has found solace in, rejecting once again science and

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