Edith Hamilton's Mythology By Theseus: A Greek Hero

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Much like Katniss Everdeen of Suzanne Collins’s acclaimed novel, The Hunger Games, Theseus, a well known Greek hero, offers to be one of the tributes of a situation that could potentially end his life. In his case, Theseus voyages on a quest to the Labyrinth to slay the Minotaur and free the other tributes. All four heroes in Edith Hamilton’s Mythology show traits and features that display their unworthiness to be named a hero. Nevertheless, these heroes also exhibit extremely admirable qualities. However, one of them deserves full respect to be titled a hero. In Edith Hamilton’s Mythology, Theseus depicts the most commendable traits of a hero because of his selflessness, bravery, and humanity. Despite Theseus depicting admirable traits,…show more content…
Theseus takes part in the Calydonian Hunt to kill the great boar that was destroying Calydon. During the hunt, Theseus saves “the life of his rash friend Pirithous, as he did, indeed, a number of times” (216). During Pirithous’ wedding, the Centaurs, relatives of the bride, become drunk and capture the women. One of the Centaurs attempts to capture the bride, but luckily, thanks to Theseus’s courage, he defeats the Centaur. Theseus also agrees to travel to the underworld and help Pirithous capture Persephone who was “the most carefully guarded lady in all the universe” (218). Traveling to the underworld and kidnapping Persephone is an extremely perilous and dangerous undertaking, but Theseus is up to the challenge. Even when Theseus is not helping others, he still shows his bravery. Before Theseus comes to Athens, he is told to sail to Athens. Theseus refuses and says that it is too easy and safe. Instead of going by water, Theseus “set forth to go to Athens by land” (209). Along the land lie dangerous bandits whom Theseus kills. He truly shows his courage by taking up these difficult and hazardous challenges, and Theseus’ bravery is one of his most admirable…show more content…
He comes forward and volunteers to take part in the Labyrinth, King Minos’ punishment of Athens, instead of having another person lose their life in the maze. Theseus volunteering as a tribute shows that he puts other lives before his own. Furthermore, Theseus kills all of the bandits on the road that he traveled to Athens on so that they do not “trouble future travelers” (209). He prevents the potential deaths of the travelers by risking his own life. In addition, when Theseus becomes the King of Athens after his father dies, he transforms Athens’ government into a democratic one. Theseus wants the people to be equal and have their own government, and that “he did not wish to rule over them” (215). Theseus could have easily used his power to take advantage of the citizens, but Theseus allowed for them to be independent and control their government. Theseus puts others before him, and his selflessness is part of what makes Theseus worthy to be called a

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