Clovis Methods Of Conversion To Christianity

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The religious transformation of Christianity did not occur over night. The conversion to Christianity took a great amount of time and persuasion from many believers throughout the western civilization. Many were not as accepting of the new Christian faith because of the Christian’s methods of conversion. Often during the period of conversion people were forced into Christianity, this made them less accepting of the new religion. Some chose to fight the conversion instead of following the new religion. The conversion of Christianity is an excellent example of how people are so unaccepting of change, especially when it is forced upon them. While the idea of conversion can be thought of a something that transpired all at once, realistically it…show more content…
The leader of the Frankish kingdom, Clovis, experienced the loss of his son before he made the decision to convert. Clovis’s wife, Queen Clotilda, had their son baptized by the church. Soon after the baptism was complete their son passed away. Clovis was extremely angry with his wife and stated that if their son had been dedicated to his gods that their son would have lived. But the queen ignored his anger and responded that she was thankful that God would find her own son worthy to be part of his kingdom and that she knew their son would be taken care of in heaven. Clovis’s wife continued to encourage him to convert to Christianity, but nothing could sway Clovis’s beliefs. Clovis did not convert to Christianity until he was faced with loss once again when he feared army was going to be taken over. Clovis cried out to God…show more content…
Saint Boniface noticed that some of the Hessians were not as strong in their faith as others. “… some continued secretly, others openly, to offer sacrifices to trees and springs, to inspect the entrails of victims; some practiced divination, legerdemain, and incantation; some turned their attention to auguries, auspices and other sacrificial rites…” (Document 4) While some converts were strong in their faith, others continued to practice pagan traditions. An Anglo-Saxon manuscript called the Leechbook contained cures for problems caused by evils spirits. “Against the Devil and against madness… a strong drink. Put in ale hassock, lupin roots, fennel, ontre, hind heolothe, marche, rue, wormwood, nepeta (catmint), helenium, elfthone, wolfs comb. Sing twelve masses over the drink; and let him drink. It will soon be well with him.” (Document

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