Edict Of Worms Analysis

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Edict of Worms- a decree issued by Charles V, that banned the writings of Martin Luther and declared him a heretic a. Issued as a part of the struggle between Luther and the Church. Created in attempt to protect the Church and the authority of the Pope after church officials convinced Charles that Luther was a threat. Charles also persuaded by church officials to authorize Luther’s condemnation by the Holy Roman Empire. Although the Edict was harsh, it was not enforced due to Charles’ involvement with political and military concerns. 11. Peasants Revolt 1524- peasant uprising in Germany inspired by the Reformation a. The peasants in southern and western Germany used divine law to demand farming rights and freedom from the nobles and landlords. Although it was supported by Zwingli and Müntzer, it was condemned by Luther, which led to its eventual failure. 12.…show more content…
Erasmus- Dutch humanist who greatly impacted Martin Luther a. Agreed that many of the reforms Luther called for were necessary. Praised by Luther for all he had done for a sound a reasonable Christianity. However, Luther became disappointed in Erasmus when he refused to fully commit himself to Luther and his beliefs. He also criticized the Lutheran beliefs related to free will. He did not oppose the punishment of heretics, but believed the penalty of death to be too harsh of a punishment. 13. Great Schism- split of the Church in which there were two, and at one point, three popes all claiming power a. The unity in the Catholic Church had become weakened by the Great Schism, which helped Luther in his reform of the Church. This also allowed the supporters of the Reformation to have reason to question the authority of the Pope and of the Church. Although the Schism did not start the actual Reformation, it was the start of what lead up to the

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