Corporal Punishment In Rough Justice

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No one deserves to be the victim of a torturous form of punishment like caning. In the article, “Rough Justice”, by Alejandro Reyes and in the editorial by The New York Times, “Time to Assert American Values”, Singapore resorts to physically punishing individuals who commit a crime. These two articles debate whether the punishment of caning against Michael Fay, a teenage boy, is justified or not. Many countries do not condone corporal punishment and rightfully so. Corporal punishment is not an appropriate form of justice used against criminals and is unjustified. Caning is too extreme of a punishment to be used for crimes committed. According to the article by Alejandro Reyes, “[the] cars were not permanently damaged; the paint was removed…show more content…
In the article it states, “Caning leaves permanent scars”, which illustrates that corporal punishment is inhumane because of the permanent effects it has on one’s body. No punishment should leave someone with marks that can’t be removed especially since the crime was not a violent one. The perpetrator has to live with painful, and embarrassing scars over a mistake he made which was not meant in a violent way. The perpetrator was 18 and this was his first crime ever so he may not have committed this crime with regards to what would happen, he just made a mistake like many young people do shown by, “[in] addition, the accused is a teenager and this is his first…show more content…
A country should not beat anyone no matter how much good they think it does for the country as a whole. Michael Fay did commit a crime but it was not violently done towards anyone displayed by, “[in] addition, the accused is a teenager and this is his first offense.” People are quick to support it; even though it takes liberties away from the individual, but if it were them they would not want to be treated in such a rough matter. Corporal punishment should not be accepted by any country for

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