East Of Eden Character Analysis

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Monsters in the World Life, an ever mysterious journey of vague clarity, contains inevitable trials of necessary adjustments and inconsistency. In John Steinbeck’s East of Eden, Cathy struggles with the concept and practice of change throughout the entirety of her life. Once she finally gains the capability and willingness to recognize the necessity to make changes, Cathy unwisely ignores the issues. Therefore, Cathy lacks a quality vital for a productive life: the ability to recognize and enact deeds of good within the world. Initially introducing the idea that monsters contain extreme evil, Steinbeck depicts the idea that they possess the ability to nonetheless acquire an understanding of righteousness. Born with a malformed soul, Cathy…show more content…
Specifically, when Adam visits Cathy, he says, “I know what you hate. You hate something in them you can't understand. You don't hate their evil. You hate the good in them you can't get at. I wonder what you want, what final thing.” (25.3.129). Observing that Cathy has never understood the good in people because her malformed hindered her, Adam seeks to help Cathy comprehend there is something missing within her soul. Later on, Cal questions Cathy, “Did you ever have the feeling like you were missing something? Like as if the others knew something you didn't—like a secret they wouldn't tell you?”(39.2.98). Cal is the second person to point out to Cathy that she is missing a vital, humane quality. Seemingly unable to grasp the ability to be righteous, Cathy’s eye opening experiences showing her a glimmer of her good side, she chooses to end in evil because it remains the easiest thing for her. Eventually, Cathy recognizes her transformation into goodness, but does not like the change she observes. In the end, Cathy chooses the easier route, “Her eyes closed and a dizzy nausea shook her… The gray room darkened and the cone of light flowed and rippled like water. And then her… heart beat solemnly and her breathing slowed as she grew smaller and smaller and then disappeared - and she had never been. “(551). Ultimately, Cathy resorts to evil because it stands to be the easy way out

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