Domestic Violence And Social Justice

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Domestic Violence is not just two people that cause physical harm to one another. Domestic violence impacts the lives of the abused, abuser, children, friends and family. It can not only destroy relationships but cause permanent physical and mental damage for all involved. Social justice in regards to domestic violence is very limited on what can be done. The first step to receiving social justice is the victim has to come forward. By doing this they have to announce their abuser. At this point their entire life is turned upside down and it is just the beginning of a long road to reach social justice. “Social justice is justice that follows the principle that all individuals and groups are entitled to fair and impartial treatment. Social…show more content…
Sexual abuse includes unwanted touching such as massage, or being exposed to pornography. Neglect: Neglect has the widest range of acts that are unnoticed. Failing to provide food, water, shelter, clothing and personal hygiene are a few. There is also the emotion neglect, this is not touching with affection, not saying kind words, and avoiding hugging. Victims of domestic violence in rural and remote areas have a harder time accessing services than in urban areas. Areas with higher levels of lower income leads to less available personal means to help one leave a violent situation, such as more than one car, extra money to save, and friends are likely to not get involved. The level of confidentiality becomes questioned with in small communities. There are fewer trained professional in these areas. The resources available to provide protection are limited. “Domestic violence is of a lower priority in rural areas. (This is suggested by the low rates of success in serving protective order petitions; fewer charges, prosecutions and convictions in domestic violence crimes; and the perception by female victims that they have less access to protective orders and enforcement.” (Clevenger, A.…show more content…
Domestic violence does not discriminate, it happens in every racial and ethnic community, as well as in every socioeconomic group.” (NASW, 2015) Social workers provide many services to victims of domestic violence. Services for victims may include counseling and support, help with finding shelter programs, counseling through private settings, court advocacy, and social justice includes community organizing efforts to prevent domestic violence. Social workers are professionals committed to social justice, domestic violence is a social justice issue. Social workers can only provide help to those who report domestic violence and choose to receive the help. Sadly social workers usually do not get involved until the victim ends up in the hospital or homeless. Social workers can only offer the help that is available through resource and too often there is not enough to keep a victim from being homeless or in a safe
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