Disneyland's 60th Ananiversity Opening Ceremony

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Anahiem , California- July 13th, 2015- Disneyland’s 60th anniversity opening ceremony will take place on July 17, 2015 at 8 a.m. in the Disneyland park. The main event will a speech from Walt Disney’s CEO Robert A. Iger. Iger will be giving his speech at Disneyland’s main town USA town square. The speech will be give before the park officially opens at 9 Am. Disneyland has been a staple in American culture for 60 years. The opening ceremony of the 60th anniversary will highlight the impact that Disneyland has made to culture. The legacy and impact Disneyland has made on American society is one that has last for 60 years and continues to grow every year. The opening ceremony of the 60th anniversary of Disneyland will explain not only the

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