Disney Customer Service Essay

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Disney has long been a top travel destination of families across the world. Millions of families visit the various theme parks every year to experience the attractions. However, the attractions are only a part of the reason that the Disney parks have enjoyed unprecedented success. Disney’s customer service and attention to detail has made the company the envy of the business world. The reputation of their customer service and business plan among business leaders prompted Disney to form their own consulting company, which they aptly named the Disney Institute (Kurtz, 2015, p.373). While many families and vacationers may not know of the existence of the consulting firm, large and small businesses across the world have taken advantage of the seminars and classes on customer service offered by the Disney Institute. The businesses span from locally owned hair salons to entire countries, like South Africa (Kurtz, 2015, p.373). The lessons in customer service these companies have learned have helped them survive in an unpredictable economy. The Disney Institute’s techniques have taught and shown many of these companies the best way to please the customer.…show more content…
These keys are leadership, culture, customer service, brand loyalty, and innovation (Our Core Competencies, 2015, para.1). Many of the lessons clients learn as part of the program focus on methods to keep the customer happy and coming back for more. This involves finding creative ways to let the customer know that they are important. Another major theme in the offered lessons is the importance of satisfied employees. Company employees are the ones that usually interact on a daily basis with the customer (Kurtz, 2015, p.373). Therefore, a happy employee will be better able to assist customers in a constructive

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