Disagreement In Scientific Practice

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I learned that there is no useless discussion in science and it matters to me because, as a scientist, I need to be prepared to lead with disagreements and opposed ideas, as well as always keep the questioning spirit. Actually this insight is part of a long process resulted not from one, but three or four subjects discussed in class. I started this course a bit arrogant, I have already had some of these discussions - I was not a Freshman after all – and I knew something about most of the subjects. Despite of sharing the same class, I would criticize some of my roommates’ questions: “Why? What kind of question is this? Isn’t it clear?” However, now I recognize that I had never been so wrong. Before taking these classes I was already used to…show more content…
While reading “The value of epistemic disagreement in scientific practice. The case of Homo floresiensis” I found myself deeply impressed by the “Disagreement in Scientific Practice” section, which concisely discuss not only how to lead with people who disagree with you, but also the importance and advantages of a heterogenic society. The authors propose that maintaining disagreement is valuable, once it motivates the seek for evidence. I kept this idea with me. During the class, when discussing Feyerabend’s “Theses on Anarchism,” I couldn’t agree with the author’s point of view about Science, but I said nothing. I felt like I was a minority. Highlighted, projected in the board, was a part of the text that criticizes the current science and says that it has become a business, that “it no longer threatens society,” and that “humanitarian considerations are at a minimum.” Some of my colleagues agreed with Fayerabend. Even though Fayerabend says that there is no proof that science is better than witchcraft in the conclusion of the chapter, some of my colleagues agreed with him. Science is part of a great business, and so are education and healthcare. Why is it wrong? Science needs money. Why should Science threat society? Is there any proof that Science was more concerned with humanitarian subjects in the past? However, it was in the silence that I noticed the number of questions and ideas rising inside me. Every disagreement is valuable. Maybe I wasn’t right, but I would look for evidences to hold my point. And so would the
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