Disadvantages Of Firewalls

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Not many people know or are aware of what a firewall is or how it works. A firewall is installed onto a computer system as a security measure, that is making sure that nothing such as a virus gets into the computer system, it also controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on how the owner sets the settings. The first firewalls used in the 1980’s which had a different name, the name was “packet filter” before actually called a firewall. Firewalls was made for the computer so that the computer won’t be hacked. A firewall is the most common security system used in any type of computer. Many people think that a firewall is something simple that once installed and applied, then it will work perfectly fine, but in reality a firewall…show more content…
Firewalls are not effective enough to protect devices because people can easily hack and are getting passed firewalls therefore there should be something other than firewalls to protect devices. There are many factors on why a firewall is not an effective way to protect personal information. Every year there are new and more advanced technology being made and used, and firewalls are not up to date or are missing many factors that will not keep up with these new and more advanced technologies which make it so much easier for people to get passed a firewall. For example, in Kyle Cebull’s article “3 Reasons your Business Firewall or Router Isn't Effective Against Threats” he gives an example from the computer company Dell which says, “According to Dell, by the end of 2016, more than two-thirds of all internet traffic will be encrypted. Even some network administrators don’t realize that viruses and malware are riding into their network via encryption” (Cebull).…show more content…
A firewall is primarily the first line of defense if anything were to try and attack your device, but in recent years is it really capable of being the first line of defense? As Linda Musthaler explains in her article an event where eight big banks in the United States such as Wells Fargo, Capital One and Bank of America got attacked by a method called denial of service, also known as “DDoS” the hackers were able to get passed the security system of all these banks (Musthaler). Mostly all these banks have a big security systems to keep hackers away, and the first line of defense against these types of attacks is the firewall. But when these hackers attacked these banks ,they knew that a firewall will not be capable of handling a lot of incoming traffic and it is true a firewall will freeze up if there are an excessive amount of incoming traffic into the routers. And the hackers causing the firewalls to freeze up by making a high volume of traffic they took the opportunity to get passed the firewall and have all of the bank information. And once they get passed the firewall there is nothing behind it to try and stop the hackers from what they are doing. A firewall being used in the government is also where it is professionally set up to protect the government from any attacks ,but it has been proven that even with a
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