Disadvantages Of Digital Image Processing

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1.1 OVERVIEW Image processing is basically the use of computer algorithms to perform image processing on digital images. Digital image processing is a part of digital signal processing. Digital image processing has many significant advantages over analog image processing. Image processing allows a much wider range of algorithms to be applied to the input data and can avoid problems such as the build-up of noise and signal distortion during processing of images. Ease of use and cost effectiveness has contributed to the growing popularity of digital imaging systems. However, inferior spatial resolution with respect to traditional film cameras is still a drawback. The apparent aliasing effects often seen in digital images are due to the limited…show more content…
The output of image processing is either an image or a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image. Most image-processing techniques involve treating the image as a two-dimensional signal and applying standard signal-processing techniques to it. Image processing usually refers to digital image processing. It is a method to convert an image into digital form and perform some operations on it, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a type of signal dispensation in which input is image, like video frame or photograph and output may be image or characteristics associated with that…show more content…
E.g. Pre- processing , enhancement and display, information extraction. Image Processing Toolbox provides a comprehensive set of reference-standard algorithms, functions, and apps for image processing, analysis, visualization, and algorithm development. You can perform image enhancement, image deblurring, feature detection, noise reduction, image segmentation, geometric transformations, and image registration. Many toolbox functions are multithreaded to take advantage of multicore and multiprocessor computers Image Processing Toolbox supports digital cameras, satellite medical imaging devices, microscopes, telescopes, and other scientific instruments. You can visualize, analyze, and process these images in many data types, including single-precision and double-precision floating-point and signed and unsigned 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit integers Basic Image

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