Differences Between English And French Colonies

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There were significant differences between British, Spanish, and French colonies. During the mid to late seventeenth century, England, Spain, and France were colonizing land in the Americas for power and wealth from mercantilism. The English and Spanish had many conflicts with Native Americans, while the French had fewer. The economies and governments of these colonies differed. People in these colonies had different religious beliefs and levels of religious toleration. Conflicts, economy, government, and religion were several major differences between English, French, and Spanish colonies. The English, Spanish, and French had conflicts with Native Americans as well as each other. European countries did not get along with each other. European countries were competing to colonize land in the Americas to gain wealth. Competition led to conflicts like the…show more content…
Many countries gained wealth through mercantilism. Colonies exported raw materials to the mother country. The country then manufactured goods and sold them for a profit. Due to its location, farming was not very feasible in New France. Warm weather in the Carolinas and Caribbean made farming lucrative. New England colonies sold raw materials to England. Different colonies had different forms of government. Some were controlled by an elected assembly, while others were controlled by the king of England. Southern British colonies made money off of tobacco and rice. Before the Pueblo revolt, the Spanish used Native Americans for labor with encomiendas. Like the English and French, the Spanish grew sugar in the Caribbean. Spanish gained wealth from mining gold and taking it from the Indians. The French made money from trading furs with the Indians. Because of the cold climate and short growing season, few Frenchmen farmed. The French also grew sugar in the Caribbean. Natural resources, region, and weather conditions determined the basis of a colony’s
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