Difference Between Conversation And Public Speaking

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Introduction Conversation and public speaking share a number of similarities but they are two very distinct forms of communication. (Boundless, 2016) One of the more obvious differences would be rules of etiquette concerning both of them the casual free flowing nature of conversation in contrast to the more formal and structured more purpose orientated style of public speaking. Conversation seems to come to us with ease it seems natural and without hesitation to most people and almost built into our person while we feel we must revise our public speaking skills constantly developing them to our satisfaction. But conversation too is a learned form of communication just like public speaking but its informality makes it feel less intimidating.…show more content…
At the most, fundamental level that might seem accurate. But under more proximate examination public speaking and conversation are, two very diverse things. (Boundless, 2016) Public speaking is "the process of communicating to an audience in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or regale the audience.” Conversation is "a form of interactive, unplanned communication between two or more people who are abiding by the guidelines of etiquette." Similarities: both conversation and public speaking involve speakers and audiences, as well as messages exchanged between the two parties. You adjust your message predicated on both your audience and the context of your speech or conversation. Also a good conversation and a good speech both share elements of persuasive and engaging storytelling. (Boundless, 2016) There are three crucial differences that set conversation and public speaking apart: organizational structure, use of formalized language, and method of delivery. (Boundless, 2016) Organizational…show more content…
A public speaker arranges his or her thoughts in a speech by utilizing three basic structural elements: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Conversations can ramble on without ever coming to a point, in contrast speeches are consciously structured and organized. (Boundless, 2016).Consequently, public speaking demands much more detailed planning and preparation than ordinary conversation. (jeffrey-blogspot, 2016) Use of Formalized Language Whilst having a conversation with your friend you might find that your language and tone are very casual and the language used is at a very basic level. Public speaking formalizes language, because speeches are designed to "inform, influence, or entertain," they require a certain formality of speaking compared to a casual conversation between friends. Slang, profanity, and poor grammar might be accepted between friends but are definitely not suitable for any kind of public address or speech. (Boundless, 2016) Method of
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