Dhmo Case Study Questions And Answers

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1. The three dangers are cancer, death, and prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage. 2. The five common uses of dihydrogen monoxide are to cure hoof problems, disinfect cow udders and teats, to alleviate the impact of bovine diarrhea, and to treat heat stress. 3. What are some symptoms of a possible DHMO overdose are nausea, vomiting and bloated feeling. 4. What is another common name for DHMO? Dihydrogen monxide 5. The five cancers that can be caused by DHMO are: Leukemia, Basal cell carcinoma, Ewing’s Tumor, multiple myeloma, fibrosarcoma. 6. What is the address of the coalition to ban DHMO?NCCADHMO 7. What is the location of the Dihydrogen Monoxide Division? the web site 8. Name three items available in the DHMO

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