Descartes Arguments For Skepticism

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One of Descartes’ arguments for scepticism is based around the idea of an ‘evil demon’, an entity whose entire existence is devoted to the misdirection of an individual. The demon achieves this by using his power, which is suggested by Descartes to be immense, to create an entirely false, illusory world. This in turn turns ones senses against them and renders them unable to rely on the extrospective evidence provided to them by their senses in order to confirm the existence of the world around them or even themselves. According to Descartes’ argument the demon would be able to achieve such a deception as an individual often finds dreams are virtually indistinguishable from reality in terms of senses as there are no definitive signs to differentiate…show more content…
This idea is further given weight by the fact in order for one to have reached this conclusion they would have had to initially believe that they were a deceived being and one cannot be nothing when they believe themselves to be something as it proves that they are a sentient, thinking…show more content…
Furthermore the differences individuals perceive between the dream state and the waking state are not isolated but share common factors amongst them, such as a lack of continuity within the dream world as well as highly improbable circumstances, such as an individual being able to fly unaided, becoming almost commonplace. This leads individuals to hold different expectations of dream world in comparison the waking world and vice versa; this suggests that despite not being able to fully understand the nature of either world individuals can, and often do, differentiate between the two and as such despite not knowing if an ‘external’ world exists an individual can at least be consciously aware of existence of both the waking and dream worlds. As this requires some form of logical thought (in that it requires an individual to create two sets of standards for differing scenarios and apply them), it to proves that not only are individuals are capable of distinguishing between states they are also able to apply logic to prove the existence of these states introspectively and thus avoiding the possible remit of the evil demon suggesting Descartes hypothesis does not

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