Derek Jeter: A Famous Baseball Player

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Derek Jeter has been a major Baseball icon for the New York Yankees since 1992. He has been a very great leader and has had a ton of success throughout his years playing baseball. He has won many awards. Many people love his attitude and personality. Lots of people may even argue that he has changed the game of baseball. For the good. I chose to do research on Derek Jeter because he is my all time favorite baseball player. Some very interesting things about Derek Jeter is first of all, he has played his entire career as a Yankee. Something else that is very fascinating about him is that in his Junior high yearbook, there was a question that asked “what will you be doing in ten years?” He answered with, “Playing shortstop on the New York Yankees.” Derek Jeter born on June 26, 1974. Also, he grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He would spend his summers with his sister at his grandparents. Derek Jeter received a scholarship from his high school, but did not attend college because he was drafted straight from high school.…show more content…
He had a lot of pride and was and still is a very successful man. As of August of 2014, he 3,431 hits in his career, which is the sixth most hits in MLB history. Also, he has 200 post season hits which is the most out of anyone in MLB history. Another good thing about him is that he was smart. Like said in the last paragraph, he received a scholarship. One thing that derek Jeter thought was brains than baseball. Another thing that derek Jeter did that was really great was that he began the Turn 2 Foundation. This is a foundation that helps teenagers to avoid drug use. Also, this foundation awarded kids with good

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