Compare And Contrast Columbus Cortes And Diaz

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Module 3 Columbus, Cortes, and Diaz spoke of the “New World” in glowing terms due to the new discoveries found upon exploring the land, which today in the 20th century is North America, The Caribbean Islands, and Mexico. Columbus spoke of beauty and nature upon arrival on the island of Juana (Cuba). Columbus noticed how fertile the land is, how the rivers are all connected, trees bearing fruit, different variations of trees, singing birds, different kinds of honey, and the resource of metal. The inhabitants on the island brought surprise to Columbus on how “they are very simple and honest, and exceedingly liberal with all they have”. Columbus spoke highly of the inhabitants, was shocked on how well they were organized, had a trading system, and knew well enough of having “great deference and kindness”, Cortes spoke of his experience on the great city of Temixtitlan located in Mexico, as he never imagined before. Mountains, fresh water rivers, and salt waters surrounded the city as if God planned it. The city itself was well organized by the “Moctezuma Dominions” who had a civil court system, hospitals, markets, and a wonderful sense for constructing apartments, houses, streets, and bridges. Cortes compared some of the palaces located within the city as ”I can only say that in Spain there is nothing equal to them”.…show more content…
The various merchandise from selection of clothing, jewelry, gold, silver, and slaves in the market surprised Cortes. In the market Cortes also stated, “there were courts of justice” who made sure that the goods were legitimate for sale. Cortes also took a glimpse from the Montezuma temple, which he described the surroundings “ It was all so wonderful that I do not know how to describe the first glimpse of things never heard of, seen, or dreamed of”. The cities entrances were by routes on rivers and dry land all built by the

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