Kaunda, according to Mbwana, Nassoro H (2015: 383) independent African leaders had ‘introduced the political system based on “one-party participatory democracy” as a one-party state with a written constitution’. In Seychelles, after overthrowing President James Mancham, as pointed by Seddon & Seddon-Daines (2005: 462) President René administered the country as a one-party state for 14 years. In the
and stability. Some people argues that the ordinary people should appeal for the legal ownership of the guns to protect themselves, while some others insist that the permission of the legalization of firearms can only put people in danger. In this essay, I will discuss this topic based on different countries’ gun culture and will talk about the following aspects: history and thinking inertia, social condition, relevant laws and the masses’ opinions. ⅡCore Issue Whether holding firearms personally