Demi Lovato Drug Addiction

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Demi Lovato: Drug Addiction, Mental Illness and Eating Disorder By: Aliceson Fierro Lamar Community College Abstract Mental illness knows no age, ethnicity or gender. 18% of the world's adult population struggles with some sort of mental illness. That percentage does not count the unreported cases. Over three-hundred of those people possess some sort of fame. One actress decided to speak out about mental illness and all that comes with it. That actress was Demi Lovato. Childhood star, musical artist, and well-liked no one ever suspected a thing. This is the story of how she got healthy after struggling with drug addiction, mental illness and eating disorders for many years. Born in Albuquerque, New Mexico Demi Lovato started as an actor on…show more content…
This is where she was diagnosed with severe depression and bipolar disorder. She was no longer the difficult to work with teen star, but a mental patient. As she got sober and her mental state began to improve. But when she was released from the rehab center she began to fall back into her old ways. She began popping pills, getting drugs and drinking again. At this point in her career she was a judge on “The X Factor” but her support system was falling out from underneath her because of her drug addiction. (“Simply Complicated” Demi Lovato’s Documentary) At the age of nineteen her family, friends and everyone that she cared about decided enough was enough. The had a sort of make shift intervention that ended in tears, screams, heartbreak but also change. She was forced to surrender her cell phone which the star says saved her life. She cut all connections with her drug dealers and all the people that were tied to her old life. At the age of nineteen, she was at the peak of her career but also a recovering drug addict.(“Simply Complicated” Demi Lovato’s…show more content…
Including her first documentary “Simply Complicated” she recently was the executive-producer on her new documentary “Beyond Silence.” She is no longer ashamed by her past but embarrassed it and how strong it has made her. Since getting sober Lovato has released three albums, all selling thousands of copies. She celebrated year five of sobriety in 2017 and is excited for year six. (“Simply Complicated” Demi Lovato’s Documentary) Works Cited T. (2017, October 17). Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated - Official Documentary. Retrieved January 17, 2018, from Silverman, A. (2017, October 11). Demi Lovato: I Knew at a Young Age I Had a Problem. Retrieved January 17, 2018, from Praderio, C. (2017, October 20). Demi Lovato shared powerful side-by-side photos to document her eating disorder recovery. Retrieved January 17, 2018, from

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