Deer Leaps Highest Poem

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Many people dislike feeling vulnerable, they hide their emotions and refuse to let anyone see their true feelings. When asked if something is wrong, they oftentimes will misled the asker in telling them something that has gone right in their life so they are thought to be okay and make them believe that the person is okay. It is often shame that leads one to feel vulnerable, for with this shame comes a lack of confidence, and fear. They fear being taken advantage of, and because of this they refuse to let anyone in. The speaker believes that by keeping themselves on the outside they are protecting themselves. In Emily Dickinson’s lyric poem A Wounded Deer Leaps Highest, she uses tone, imagery, and symbolism to illustrate the natural desire…show more content…
We picture the hunter telling this to us, and claiming that it is the joy of death that causes the deer to jump. Then we see the bushes stop moving, and know that the deer is dead. The next stanza starts off with us picturing a rock gushing water, and steel trap clamping shut on an animal. We picture a child with red cheeks burning up with a high fever. Then we see someone laughing off a painful remark, in order to avoid showing how much it actually hurt. They are being careful to avoid showing this internal pain or “blood” in fear that someone will exclaim it out for the whole world to hear. There is a connection between the last two lines “Lest anybody spy the blood and “you’re hurt exclaim!” and “I’ve heard the hunter tell”, we don’t want people spying on our blood, and waiting for us to break down in order for us to open up. The “wounded deer” doesn’t want anyone to exclaim “their hurt”, because it will make them more susceptible to being “injured”, either physically or mentally. The hunter symbolizes society, and how we need to be less judgmental. We need to be healers instead of hunters. Less people should have to put up with

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