Deception In Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

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Have you ever overheard a conversation that was not really significant, and then made it a huge deal over it? That is mostly what happens in Messina, Italy. In William Shakespeare’s play, Much Ado About Nothing, deception is an important theme. In fact, it is so important that love is exchanged, brides are killed, and fools are made wise all out of a few lies. The word “nothing” in the title actually is part of a pun that revolves around the whole play. In Shakespeare’s time, the word “nothing” was pronounced like “noting”, which was defined as “eavesdropping.” Since there are clearly moments of overhearing in this play, the title fits in nicely. Of course, the play would have a clever pun like this, it is Shakespeare, after all.…show more content…
They are set to be bound in union by their vows and become one flesh. However, immorality can creep into the tightest of bonds, even marriage. Some days before the wedding, a masquerade ball was held in Messina. During the ball, Don Pedro dances with Hero and basically proposes to her for Claudio, as he had earlier promised. However, Don John, Don Pedro’s malicious brother, plants jealousy into Claudio’s heart by saying that Don Pedro seeks Hero for himself. Claudio, full of anger, storms out of the ball. However, it is later revealed that Don Pedro really did woo Hero for Claudio, and she agrees to marry him. The night before the wedding, however, Claudio sees Hero with another man whom she loves. What Claudio actually saw was Borachio, one of Don John’s men, confessing his love for Margaret, who was wearing Hero’s clothing. This scene leads Claudio to believe that hero has been unfaithful. Therefore, he creates a plan. The next day, during the wedding, Claudio enacts his revenge by publicly announcing the events that took place the previous night. Don Pedro, who was with Claudio during the night, supports Claudio’s claim. Hero passes out, and the two men along with Don John leave the church. Hero’s innocence is affirmed later on, though, and Claudio realizes his
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