Dbq 11 Pearl Harbor

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D. Analysis World War II was under way when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The event took place on December 7, 1941, shaping the way of the war and leaving a huge impact on American society. The act committed by the Japanese compelled the initially neutral United States to join World War II. However, although Pearl Harbor was believed to be one of the greatest tragedies ever to Americans, primary sources documenting the Japanese perspective reveal historical circumstances, as well as disclose private military tactics and first-hand accounts from Japanese officials that can be perceived as possible justifications to the actions taken by the Japanese during the bombing of Pearl Harbor. There had been tension between the Japanese and Americans since even before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Tension arose in 1931, in which Japan invaded Manchuria in their attempt to further expansion of the empire; the proceedings in 1937 in the Japanese effort to take over all of China marked the peak of Japan's expansionist growth (Goldstein 79). The United States, in response, increased the military and financial aid they had already been providing to the…show more content…
to stay out of their war with Southeast Asia. The United States took that as a calling out and entered the World War II with determination. To punish Japan after Pearl Harbor, the U.S. cut back on its trade with them. Stopping the flow of oil and rubber effected Japan's war efforts, as they needed supplies for war tanks, ships and airplanes (Goldstein 53). According to Fitzgerald, the United States was the only thing standing in Japan's way to conquer Southeast Asia and western Pacific Ocean, and the States did the best they could to sabotage Japanese war efforts, an attempt that – as author Loewenheim wrote – would “keep that Japanese dog quiet in the Pacific, using Singapore [in Southeast Asia] in any way convenient”(Loewenheim,

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