Danny And Reuven In Chaim Potok's The Chosen

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Throughout The Chosen, one theme that I noticed was friendship. One friendship that Potok portrayed was Danny and Reuven’s. In the book Danny and Reuven start out, as enemies on opposing teams; but quickly after an unfortunate accident become friends. Not only did they play on opposing teams, they also come from completely different backgrounds practicing different religions. This unlikely friendship made me realize that even if you come from a different background as someone or share different beliefs; it is still possible to form a meaningful friendship. One aspect of their friendship that I found interesting was how they met. Reuven and Danny met when their opposing softball teams played against each other. Reuven’s team is made…show more content…
As people, we’re usually drawn to people who have similar interest and beliefs as our own. That is why it is sometimes hard to look past these differences to see the similarities we might share with others. In chapter four, David Malter says to Reuven, "People are not always what they seem to be . . . That is the way the world is,” (p. 79). I think this is an important thing to remember because, you never truly know who someone is until you get to know them. Although it is easy to make snap judgments of others, I think we would all be better off if we did not. In my life I have definitely found myself making these judgments on others and thinking there is know way we could be friends, but then once I get to know them I realize how wrong I was. When I first decided to come to Warner Pacific College I remember thinking that it was going to be hard for me to make friends with people here. Coming from not a super religious family and a public school, I was expecting to find people who were very religious and not very excepting of outsiders. But I was totally wrong, what I found was really caring people who didn’t judge me for my religious background. I learned a big lesson here that you can’t judge all people of one religion based on an experience you had with a person of that

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