Daniel O Connell's Speech Analysis

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becoming unstoppable but he could foresee that the British parliament would not simply grant repeal so he proposed another approach that would force the British to act. He set up different mass public meetings to show the popular support for repeal. He tried not to put the situation at risk by having a violent repression by British forces, as he hated violence. O’Connell had to try to convince the British that repeal was the appropriate thing to do, but he also had to make sure he stayed within the law. One of his most famous strategies was to bring ordinary Irish people together at carefully controlled mass meetings to support the repeal. He led numerous meetings around the country, most of them overcrowded. The last meeting was going to…show more content…
Irish people are very proud of their nationality. It was difficult after so many years of being ruled and controlled by the British. O'Connell's strong Catholic beliefs and his pride in being Irish makes him special to his people. Daniel O’Connell represented what they needed and had never had until then, an Irish Catholic politician, a person, who would fight for them, for their freedom, and he did this while unifying the people of…show more content…
Both of them talk about the state of their bodies (not prepared to what is coming up, one is old and the other one is a woman’s body, that in the XVI century was a sign of weakness too) but both of their hearts will respond to their deepest desires. The heart represents the ideal of passion for their people, in Daniel O’Connell’s time, as an Irish state man he refers to the Irish people, who are fighting for their freedom, they want to be freed of the British Empire; On the other hand in the historical time of Elisabeth I, she refers to her troops, her nation, as they were just going to fight against the Spanish Armada to defend themselves and maintain their freedom. As Queen of England she addresses her army making herself one of them, as Daniel O’Connell is an Irish Catholic

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