Cyber Strategy And Policing In The 21st Century

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Chapter Six Cyber Strategy and Policing in 21st Century 6.1 New Wine in Old Wine Skin? This chapter looks at policing from the 20th century to the present time where cyber encompasses most things in policing. The establishment in chapter one that cyberspace is a multi-tiered entity and its governance and Policing should take this approach. The plurality of policing in the 21st century will suggest that the police are apt and equipped for this modern society. There are deficiencies in the above assumption as the 2008 House of Commons Home Affairs Committee report below refers. ‘Awareness remains low. This was illustrated recently by Sir Ronnie Flanagan’s Review of Policing , which made no reference to the Internet, or the challenges to policing…show more content…
Also recent death of cyber bullying victim have once more brought cyberspace on the fore front of political and policing debate. The committee based its report on the increase in cyberspace and the decrease in resources to fight the crime. Notably the decrease in 10% funding of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. As mentioned elsewhere in this thesis, the cut of a quarter of the 800 specialist internet crime officer by the City of London Police will have enormous effect on cyber policing . In the autumn of 2013, SOCA Waski assumed to form the new National Crime Agency which is expected to provide the technical and strategic focus much needed in this area of policing; an area that is strongly vital to the British National Cyber Security…show more content…
There is still within the police force diverse stance on the unique need of a cyberspace unit compared with other criminal offences. Adrian Culley , a former Scotland Yard detective as reported by the Info Security Magazine is not alone in the blurred distinction of cyberspace from any other crime. What he advocates is a new approach in the way cybercrime is policed. This is a typical issue for policing strategy for the 21st century challenges. Policing strategy over the years have been changing to accommodate different aspects of crime and despite the changes in the society expectation of the police, a re-affirmation of the relevance of the police force and its purpose still

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