Customer Relationship Management Case Study

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Question 1. Think about the general concept of a relationship, not necessarily in a business setting, but just relationships in general between any two parties. What aspects of relationship are inherently favorable? What aspects tend to cause problems? List some specific way one might work to minimize the problem and accentuate the favorable aspects. Value represents the net bundle of benefits the customer drives from the product you are selling. Often this is referred to as your value proportion. Certainly low price many enhance value, but so do your expertise, you quality, and your service. Relationship selling is oriented toward the long term. Customer relationship management (CRM), which refers to an organization wide customer focus that…show more content…
What is value? In what ways does a relationship selling approach add value to your customers to you the salesperson, and to your sales organization? Instead they were content to simply conduct business as a series of discrete transactions. This approach to selling has come to called transaction selling. 4. When a firm shifts from traditional selling to a value-added approach, a number of changes have to take place in the way a salesperson approaches customers as well as his or her own job. List as many of these changes as you can explain why each is important to making value-added selling work. Their motivation to expend effort on the various aspects of their job is largely a function of the rewards they aspect for a given job performance. Compensation involves monetary rewards. Incentives include a variety of financial and nonfinancial rewards. Nonfinancial incentives include recognition programs, promotions to better territories or to management positions, or opportunism for personal development. 6. Why is it important to talk about selling solution instead of products or services? How does selling solutions further the success of a relationship selling…show more content…
Two years ago she graduated from college at the top of her class and took a sales job with Gracie Electronics. Although she had several offers and different career options, Jennifer felt a career in selling offered the best chance to apply her skills while doing something she enjoyed. After an extensive training period, she was given her own territory in Arizona with several large, established clients and great potential for new business. Jennifer also began volunteering in an after-school program for high-risk teenagers. As part of Gracie Electronics1 commitment to employees and local communities, the company supports employees' involvement with local charities and gives them time off to volunteer. Jennifer found her sales work very rewarding but was faced with a significant challenge: balancing the time commitment to her job with her volunteer work in this important nonprofit organization. At first it was small changes to her schedule. She would choose to call customers from her cell phone on the way home in early afternoon instead of going to their office. Soon, however, her volunteer commitments represented a growing part of each day. She would take off entire afternoons and not report it to the

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