Cs Lewis Reflection

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C.S Lewis starts off with narrating the main events of his childhood that formed how he thought and acted. Of course the beginning is the character of his parents, which he humorously contrasts – emotional and vivacious father, calm and rational mother. Other elements are his inclination towards imagining, drawing, and writing instead of sports due to a missing knuckle in his thumb, the turbulence caused by the death of his mother and calm stability, the consequential growth in friendship and camaraderie with his older brother and distance with their father, his curiosity fed by the presence of his parents countless books, and the first flash of joy that spurs his search which forms the basis of the book. His next step in growing was is displacement…show more content…
In the "renaissance" period of life, he again tasted long-forgotten joy while reading "Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods, forsook the occult and thirst for magic, and became engulfed by "Northerness". Wyvern College was the place that adult said was "preparation for real life", however instead of “[putting] them in their place” (p.41) all the fagging produced the very conceit and priggishness that it professed to cure. The strict oligarchy of dominating Bloods, aspiring Pres., outcast Punts, and subservient Tarts, did not instill a spirit of social advancement, but tired Lewis into apathy towards the society and hate of the school in general. The continual demining actually caused the recipients to look for, and hold tightly onto, anything that raises them above others to any degree. Some bright spot at the college were the study of classics with Smewgy, and Lewis’ infatuation with Norse, Celtic, and Greek myths that began to pour out in poems. I found his work, Loki Bound, particularly interesting. The twist of taking portraying Loki as conflicted over “Why should creatures have the burden of existence forced on them without their consent?” instead of the typical portrayal of a purely malicious, resentful, and cunning…show more content…
Upon his return to Oxford in 1919, he made many life long friends, namely A. K. Hamilton Jenkins, Owen Barfield, and A. C. Hardwood. Due to several causes including meeting mad and hopeless men and being influenced by the beliefs of the day, Lewis veered his life away from his previous search for romanticism and towards "the greatest good sense" (p.77). To his shock, some friends embraced Anthroposophy. Lewis describes the consequent relationship with Barfield "the great war" which was a great part of his conversion, destroying his "chronological snobbery" (belief that something is valid because it is a dominate idea of the time), as well as undermining the theory of realism ("that abstract thought (if obedient to logical rules) gave indisputable truth, that our moral judgment was "valid", and our aesthetic experience not merely pleasing but "valuable". (p.80)). Absolute without responsibility and

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