Craigview Police Department Case Study

879 Words4 Pages
The Craigview Police Department is similar to most police departments throughout the United States. The town is familiar and a wonderful place to live as exhibited by the generations of families living there. Crime rates fluctuate as they do in areas of tourism and may seem high at times. This does not mean that the police department is not doing their job but could mean that they may need to assess what they are doing and reevaluate their plans. An assessment should also be made of personnel to see that all officers are on the same page. In the case of Sergeant Louis Maynard, he is confronted with two officers who are on the verge of retirement. These officers seem to be bored with their jobs, as if they are just doing the minimum to get by until retirement. This has become a problem as other members of the team feel that these officers are not carrying their own weight. Their reports lack quality and content as well. Sergeant Maynard is at a crossroads and feels that their behavior is not worthy of getting a written reprimand but he knows something needs to be done to restore their enthusiasm and to keep the unit intact. What should he do? (More, W., H., Miller, S., L. 01/2014)…show more content…
Have they just grown tired of police work and are they just coasting till retirement? Do these officers view Sergeant Maynard as maybe being unprepared to be a supervisor because they feel he lacks experience or education? Sergeant Maynard needs to look at some possible motivational strategies to get these officers more involved. These motivational strategies could be as simple as positive incentives or as harsh as just directing them what to do and not accepting mediocre police work. Regardless, Sergeant Maynard needs to do

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