Cowspiracy The Sustainability Secret: Movie Analysis

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Whether or not the effects of livestock are viewed as a problem or its contributions to the environment is downplayed; the effects are so prevalent that it apparent progress elsewhere cannot counter its destructive and growing impact. In Kip Andersons 90 minutes documentary Cowspiracy The Sustainability Secret, the question that drives the action of the film is why don’t the leading environmental organization acknowledge that consuming animals is the single biggest driver of ecological destruction. The argument presented in the film is that animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption, greenhouse gas emission, habitat destruction, and dead zones in the oceans. Animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gases then transportation industry and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat less and topsoil erosion. Californians use 1500 gallons of water per person per day. Close to half is associated with meat and dairy products. Seventy billion animals are raised annually worldwide. Everyday 144 million animals are killed for food. U.S. farm animals produce 7 million pounds of excrement every minute. The strongest logical argument given in support of the films position was the points that were accompanied by graphics and statically evidence. They use an image of a woman who was gunned down for speaking against deforestation. He uses this for emotional appeal to show how hard organizations are working to cover up truth.…show more content…
Organization that don’t alienate potential members been poorly educated on topic that they supposed to know. The film seems to be weak on reasoning; some of the interviewing people outside of their authoritative scope do not this information available. Saying to stop eating fish because eating fish to save fish is

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