Courageous For Killing Polonius In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Although Hamlet may be perceived as courageous for killing Polonius, he is a very hesitant and indecisive character. “How now? A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead!" (III.iv.24). In this quote Hamlet exclaimed that the spy shall be killed. He showed courage by murdering the “rat”, which he believed to be Claudius, without any hesitation at all. Hamlet did not stop to think that it could not have possibly been Claudius behind the tapestry because he had just seen him in the Chapel moments before. “To take him in the purging of his soul/ When he is fit and season'd for his passage?/ No./ Up, sword, and know thou a more horrid hent.” (III.iii.85-89). Hamlet proved to be hesitant in this quote when he was seconds away from killing Claudius while in the

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