Counseling Theories In Counseling

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Advising philosophies are as diverse as the college counselors who practice them and the students who experience them. Counselors who work in higher education typically draw on developmental theories when advising students. When applying theories in advising, it is imperative to understand that every student, and their situations, are unique and should be taken into consideration in the counseling session. Common theories that I believe I use when advising students, include, but are not limited to, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Person-Centered Therapy. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a positive-oriented, short-term, goal-directed, and future-focused counseling approach. SFBT focuses on the here and now and believes looking to…show more content…
In one circumstance, I was working with a student whom I believe would benefit from Person-Centered Therapy. Person-Centered Therapy focuses on the past and believes discussed past problems and the causes of the problem is necessary for change in behavior and improvement of self to occur. However, students are solely responsible and in control of their own growth. This student wanted to learn more information on admission rates for students who want to transfer to an out-of-state college. Through discussion, the student revealed she had preformed badly in most of her semesters at Pierce and had gaps between her academic history. By reading the students nonverbals and body language I could tell she was frustrated and sad. I listened carefully to my student, and responded to her using reflecting, paraphrasing, and summarization. The student seemed comfortable expressing her feelings with me and revealed the reason for her low grades and gap year. She explained why she had those difficulties and why she wanted to move out of state was due to the passing of her fiancé. I was being empathetic and as caring as possible with the student as she shared this information. I then helped her understand that research needs to be done based on her interests. At the end of the appointment, I summarized our conversation, and told her to do her homework, schedule a time to meet with me again and discuss her findings and status. A few days after our meeting, I sent her a follow up email to check in. I know I may have to spend more time with this student in the future to ensure her personal and academic

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