Council Of Nicaaeus

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The heretical teachings of Arius, concerning the deity of Jesus, caused an uproar in the Eastern and Western Church. Arius, a presbyter of Alexandria, took from the beliefs of Origen and implemented it with “radical monotheism” (Lane 28). He believed the Father was God, not including the other two natures. To him the Son was a vessel used to create the universe through the Father. Therefore the Son wasn’t of the father, but a “creature made out of nothing” (Lane 28). These false principles were the catalyst to the intervention of the Council of Nicaea, summoned by the emperor Constantine. The second council, The Council of Constantinople, was called to eradicate Arianism permanently. They declared Jesus is Lord and accepted that He “was both…show more content…
It stated that there is only one God. He gave is only “begotten son”, therefore they are from the same “substance” (Bingham). Jesus Christ descended into earth, died and arose on the third day who shares the divine nature of the father. After this proclamation, Arius and his followers were banished. The second council, Council of Constantinople, became the most unifying creed in Christianity. The outcome of the debate brought the credence of the Holy Spirit to the forefront. It was added to the conversation of the natures of God. The Holy Spirit was now a part of the “substance with the Father and Son” (Bingham 49). This brought forth and introduced the trinity or “Trinitarian God” (Bingham 50). The forth council, Council of Chalcedon, The church I attend are firm believers in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. He died for our transgression and rose again. He is God in human form and the only begotten son. We understand that Christ is a part of the trinity. The Father works through Jesus Christ. His oneness is what makes him unique. He is from the same substance as the father, but distinct. Like Nicene Orthodoxy, the basic beliefs about who God is and his relation to his son still stand. These are considered the nonnegotiable. The difference include the understanding of the trinity and remission of sins. It is the basis of our faith and is the basic principles at which we adhere

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