Corn Earworm Research Paper

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-Adaption One of our bugs called the Corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) was very hard to catch for one reason, and that reason was that it kept “disappearing”. The Corn earworm hangs around trees and can easily camouflage themselves to make themselves invisible. I have learned that they have evolved to do this to escape prey, like birds, spiders, and even bats! They have adapted to living within forests and are able to hide themselves from predators. I’ve learned from this project that every single insect we caught (except for houseflies) have a story behind them. They don’t have any parts that are useless and can protect themselves for danger. They adapted and evolved according to their surroundings and are able to go through situations using their abilities. -Social Behavior A wasp we caught before our final project had a stinger, and the other wasps we caught did not. It turned out to be a female wasp, for female wasps have stingers and are able to sting repeatedly. Wasps and bees work together within their nest to survive. They build nests together and have a social structure. They communicate in order to get things done. Cicadas are also very social insects. They travel and migrate with each other, even together with different…show more content…
When we introduce a species to an area, we are moving them from their favored habitat to an unknown habitat. When an insect is invasive, it is kind of like being introduced, only their introducing themselves. This process is more natural than introducing. The reason I say that is because sometimes insects are invasive because of what we do to their environment. Cicadas are known to migrate and can be invasive, but not aggressive. They do not attack, but they do move in, and you’ll know when their coming. They move in with large groups and numbers, and they are usually coordinated. Cicadas impact a lot of other species in their migrations, including plants and

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