Comparison Of Onondaga And Huron Creation Myth

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Onondaga and Huron creation similarities Many Native American creation myths are similar to each other. One such case is that of the Onondaga and Huron who share an almost identical creation story. Both of them talk about similar occurrences such as a women falling from the sky and a turtle turning a piece of land into the entire earth. The Onondaga creation myth clearly influenced the Huron creation myth because of the major similarities in their creation stories in the beginning, middle, and end of each story. The two creation myths both have a similar start to their stories. The Onondaga creation myth which is titled “The Earth on Turtle’s back” starts with the great sky chief’s wife having a dream where the Great Tree is uprooted. Her husband believes it to be…show more content…
In the end of the Onondaga creation story the Muskrat puts the piece of land on the turtle’s back which grows into the entire earth “The tiny bit of Earth fell on the back of the Turtle. Almost immediately, it began to grow larger and larger and larger until it became the whole world” ( Caduto and Bruchac). The women is then let down on the newly formed earth and plants the seeds she had with her. In the Huron creation story when Toad brings the piece of land up the women takes it and places it on the turtle’s back which grows into the entire earth. The conclusion of the two stories shows how the Onondaga influenced the Huron. The story doesn’t end here for the Huron, after some time the divine women bore two sons one good and one evil. The good brother created animals that were useful to humans while the bad brother created monstrous animals. The story ends with the good brother driving the evil brother away. Despite this difference the two stories are still very alike showing how the Onondaga influenced the Huron creation

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