Comparison Of Bartleby, The Metamorphosis And

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Based on the three novels entitled Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville , The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and A Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the three books have a major character in each who become the topic of discussion and the reason behind the flow of the stories. Things either good or bad happen to them either by their own will or through falling in as victims of circumstances. Bartleby the Scrivener is a short story written by an American writer Herman Melville. It talks about the story of one lawyer come narrator who cannot bring himself to his office to remove the silent Scrivener. The protagonist in this story is a man known as Bartleby. Bartleby is the man who is employed in an unnamed Manhattan…show more content…
It narrates the story of the murder of a man named Santiago Nasar by the two Vicario brothers. It begins with a morning in which Nasar was murdered. He used to live with his mother Placida Linero, the cook Victoria Guzman and the cook’s daughter Divina Flor. After the death of his father Ibrahim, Santiago took over the ranch and was now the owner. The night before Santiago had an ostensibly meaningless dream about trees. The coincidence in this particular day too was the fact that the priest was also supposed to come and bless the marriage of Angela Vicario and Bayardo San Roman. The previous night to the wedding however the bride was returned separately since it was discovered that she wasn’t a virgin. The bride had twin brothers who were known as the Vicario brothers. They were angered by the issue and decided they would revenge by killing. Ironically, the town had heard a rumor about the revenge killings, but no one bothered to gave a warning to Santiago. The protagonist here who is Santiago Nasar is just a victim of circumstance. He is murdered because of someone else’s mistakes. The anger of the brothers is directed towards Santiago, who is found by dying from stabbed wounds from the door of his

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