Comparing Young Goodman Brown And Where Are You Going Where Have You Been

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In the short stories “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “where are you going where have you been” by Joyce Carol Oates two clean handed people, two unsullied souls, polluted by evil influences of the devil himself. They stray from their path of pureness, down a path of darkness stripping themselves of their innocence.Both authors use figurative language to portray the stories meaning; one of Nathaniel's Hawthornes and Joyce Carol Oates main figurative devices was Imagery and Symbolism, when Hawthorne stated in “Young goodman brown” that “dreary road, darkened by the gloomiest of trees of the forest,which stood aside to let a narrow path creep through,and closed immediately behind” (Pg 585). Both Connie from Oates story “Where are you going where have you been” and Young Goodman Brown from…show more content…
In “Young Goodman Brown” Goodman went into a dark gloomy forest which symbolizes hell and as he travels inwards he united with a mysterious well dressed man that he had planned on meeting“You are late young goodman brown” (pg 585). It was later revealed that the mystery man had a staff with a serpent on it which is a biblical allusion where Satan cloaks himself and a serpent”his staff which bore the likeness of a great black snake” (pg 586). While Goodman met with and conversed with this man Connie from “Where are you going where have you been” is not so fortunate to have a say in the matter for the devil seeks her out. A man identified as Arnold Friend appears in Connies drive way there are many clues that this man is the devil in the story “Where are you going where have you been” it stated “The drivers glasses were metallic and mirrored… Shabby black hair that was a crazy as a wig”(pg 558). and he had trouble walking in his shoes he kind of stumbled as if he was drunk… or had hooves and horns with a wig to cover them. He seems to force himself onto

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