Comparing The Wife Of Bath 'And' The Pardoner's Tale

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In the Canterbury tales there was a group of 30 travelers on a pilgrimage to the Canterbury Cathedral. The group was very diverse in character and every single one of them told a unique story. Chaucer was one of the pilgrims who did not talk much but became an observant by-standard, thus creating the unfinished Canterbury tales. One of the pilgrims that played a significant roll was named “the host”, and he came up with a challenge that no one could resist. Everyone was challenged to come up with a tale that met certain standards. The criteria, which was set by the host, said that each tale had to be entertaining while being able to teach a lesson. The host, which I will replace, will judge three tales named “The Wife of Bath’s Tale, The Miller’s Tale” and “The Pardoners Tale” to see which one meets the criteria the best. Even though The Wife of Bath’s Tale was a great story, it does not fall on the number one spot of my list. The tale does not complete the objective of teaching a lesson to the main character, and throws the main point completely off the grid. The line that assured me failure of the tales’ ability to stay on task was the queen request for the knight, “Yet you shall live if you can answer me: / What is the thing that women most desire?” (“The Wife of Bath’s Tale”, 80-82).…show more content…
The knight left it to the old lady to answer for him. The lady says that when the sun rises the very next morning, he will find both loyalty and beauty in her. The knight wakes up the next morning and was astonished at what he was seeing. The story ends with no actual lesson learned by the knight from being convicted of raping a girl. Everyone seemed to have forgotten that the knight committed a crime and instead of punishing the knight, he was yet rewarded with a beautiful and loyal

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