Comparing The Beautiful And The Damned By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Evidence of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s real life in his novels The Beautiful and the Damned and This Side of Paradise F. Scott Fitzgerald’s unique style of writing has left his readers and critics with a few questions. Are his novels directly related to events in his life, or are they made up stories? In my opinion Fitzgerald uses characterization, plot, and theme in The Beautiful and the Damned and This Side of Paradise to relate to events in his life. First, Fitzgerald uses characterization in The Beautiful and the Damned by giving a description of the two main characters. Anthony Patch and Gloria Gilbert are shallow, beautiful, pleasure seeking and a vain couple that becomes involved in the corrupt high society of the 1920s. They spend their days drinking endlessly, dancing, and playing. Anthony is expected to inherit a large…show more content…
They soon found out that “living within their income was impossible” (Fitzgerald 313). In Fitzgerald’s own life he and Zelda often “indulged in terrible four day rows that always started with a drinking party” (Eble 103). Just like Anthony and Gloria, Fitzgerald and Zelda’s lives were “reckless and careless, taxed by drinking and parties” (Eble 69). The December following the release of The Beautiful and the Damned and This Side of Paradise Fitzgerald found himself in a similar situation to Anthony and Gloria. He was in great debt and in a pursuit to become wealthy. Fitzgerald also uses characterization in his novel This Side of Paradise to depict the life Amory or, as some say Fitzgerald, lead before he met Zelda. Amory Blaine is a young, romantic, extraordinarily handsome and somewhat egocentric college student. Fitzgerald used Amory Blaine to understand his own life. Their lives did differ in some ways, but, Amory’s experiences in school and college were Fitzgerald’s experiences. In a scene from this novel Amory and a friend visit the

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