Comparing Marzolph's 'Thousand And One Nights'

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"Thousand and One Nights" is a notable tale of multiple stories within a main one. Not only does the main story have a lesson to be learned, but the frame tales also have simple morals to be learned. Tension is played out throughout the tale, but mainly through the women's battle for survival in a world ruled by solely men. The female characters become more and more cunning to overcome the men who oppress them. Often it seems like a fight to for them to be able to make their own choices about their freedom, beliefs, and even love. Eventually the powerless become powerful and the strong become the weak. "Thousand and One Nights", in a literature role has a more modern feel and the stories guide through life while also having the power to make…show more content…
"Thousand and One Nights" also known as "Arabian nights", was integrated into the compilation of two periods of Arabic influence. The two periods are called Baghdad and Cairo, and these periods were preceded by an Iranian version. Iranian, Persian, Indian, and Arabic culture held an eminent position in the early stages of the textual history of "Thousand and One Nights". The title comes from a commonly known Iranian prototype and was given in the 14th century by an Arab historian and a Baghdad bookseller (Marzolph 3). The title is usually understood to mean a thousand stories, and is considered not only a narrative or story within stories, but a tale. The "Arabian Nights" are not just Arabic, but also Persian and Indian as well, some people refer to it as simply the nights because it has so many editions. It is one of the world's greatest collections of stories and it reflects wonderful examples of folk literature, and how it develops through the various telling and retelling of stories over lengthy periods of time. There…show more content…
Though that may be seen as brutal and downright cruelty, the king doesn't consider that once he finds out his wife was unfaithful. He promises to marry a woman each night and then kill them to prevent further betrayal. "There is not a single chaste woman along the face of this earth”(Puchner 562) This quote shows how king Shahryar does not see women as human thinking individuals, while also displaying that women were expected to act in accordance to a societal norm set strictly by men. In "Thousand and One Nights" the audience can clearly sense how women were submissive to men and their will, not only in Arabic world but in the Western world as well. The regions came from many backgrounds, but was widely known for it's Arabic roots. The relationship between men and women can be viewed as simply male dominant, because women were not treated equally in the many aspects of life. During Islamic period and golden age the sharia law was founded, and it allowed for men to practice polygamy with multiple women in a household (Samatar 2). The women were to obey and honor men in every countenance necessary. At the time the frame tales were written women were considered inclined to sin. The prophet Muhammad stated " I stood at the gates of Paradise, most of those who entered there were poor, I stood at the gates of Hell, most of those who went in

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