Comparing Martin Luther And John Calvin's 95 Theses

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Martin Luther and John Calvin, were some significant figures in History that enabled the reformation to take place in 1517. Luther spent the majority of his youth as a scholar and monk, however in 1517, he composed a set of statements opposing the selling of “indulgences” and salvation through good deeds or acts that would please God. This document was called the 95 Theses. Indulgences were sold as means of fully or partially absolving sin, on the other hand, Luther was under belief that it was Gods intention for believers to seek repentance and that salvation came solely from faith. In his "95 Theses" Luther questioned these practices of selling indulgences as opposed to criticising them. The tone of his writing was considered to be quit academic and humble.…show more content…
Although, Luther was not he first to express these opinions, he was the one to solidify these ideas at a prime time in history, in terms of religious development, and in turn this lead to the Protestant reformation. A result of this was that it caused a division in the Catholic Church and lead to the development of Protestantism. Martin Luther's written works had a significant impact on the world today as he essentially, permanently changed religion and culture as we knew it especially throughout the Western world. John Calvin was another significant figure associated with the reformation. As well as being a major leader of the Reformation, Calvin was also a well known French Theologian. He worked towards promoting the belief that God held supreme power and discussed the theory of predestination that arose previously with St Augustine of Hippo. These ideas and approach to

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