Comparing Herman Hesse's Siddhartha In The Once And Future King

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In Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, Siddhartha undergoes many hardships. As a young man he leaves his family for a life of peace and prayer. As he finished his path to his new life, he stumbles and discards it for one of greed and dishonesty. He bears a child, but corrupted by his own greed and lust, he abandons the child. When he finally comes to the realization of what he has done, he decides to give up his rich and glamorous life to make a pilgrimage. On his pilgrimage, he falls asleep near a lake. A monk sees that he is unprotected so the monks stay with Siddhartha until he awakens. When Siddhartha awakens to see the monk, he realizes the monk was his childhood friend, Govinda. They share stories of their life and go their separate ways. Siddhartha…show more content…
White, Arthur has to face many trials and tribulations. As a young lad, he took the nickname the Wart with his brother, Kay. He and his brother one day lost one of their most prized falcon, and that night the Wart went to look for it. Using his wit and intelligence he finds a way to climb the tree in which the bird is perched without alarming it. While reaching for it, he was attacked by an unknown archer, but the archer lost him when the Wart had hid in a tree. But because he hid, he had lost his way. While wandering, he meets a man named King Pellinore, who was searching for the Questing Beast. King Pellinore rushes off on his horse. The Wart decides to spend the night in the forest. When he wakes up, he begins to wander until he stumbles an old man who lived in a cottage. The old man invites Arthur into his home to join him for breakfast. What the young lad soon discovers is that this old man is the wizard known as Merlyn. Merlyn has an owl named Archimedes, who goes out to find the Wart’s falcon. The Wart asks Merlyn to be his mentor, solving his fathers need for a mentor for Kay and Arthur. Merlyn agrees to be their teacher. Later on, Merlyn turns Arthur into a bird. He becomes a part of a clan of birds. Later on as Kay becomes Sir Kay and Arthur becomes his page, they go on an adventure. Sir Kay had left his sword behind, so he sends Arthur to get him a sword. While looking, he finds a sword trapped in a stone. He pulls out the sword and runs back to Sir Kay. The sword happens to be the sword of the dead King of England and the one who pulls the sword from the stone would be the next King of England. As the king, Arthur had to deal with battles and wars. He establishes a contest for his army that would be called the Knights of the Round Table. His fellow knight and friend Lancelot had created an affair with Arthur’s wife Guenever. Lancelot was excused of killing two people. This was the beginning fall of King Arthur’s

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